Dry Eye Therapy in California

How Do I Know If I Have Dry Eye?
There are multiple causes of dry eye, including meibomian gland dysfunction, where the glands that produce the oil in your tears are either clogged or otherwise not functioning properly. Although not a root cause of dry eye, contact lenses can also worsen dry eye symptoms. Through cutting-edge technology, such as LipiScan®, we can identify what’s causing your discomfort and then customize an effective treatment plan to address it quickly.

- TearCare® System
- LipiFlow®
- Forma-I & Lumecca-I
- Specialty Eye Drops
- EyePromise Vitamins & Supplements
- Punctal Plugs

TearCare® System
The TearCare® System uses localized heat therapy to effectively treat certain types of dry eye disease. This painless procedure uses warm, soothing energy to help correct issues in your meibomian glands.

LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation Therapy is a safe and comfortable way to treat dry eye that’s caused by clogged meibomian glands. This procedure only takes about 15 minutes and involves applying gentle heat directly to your eyelids to relieve dry eye symptoms.

Forma-I & Lumecca-I
Bipolar Radio Frequency RF (Forma-l) and Intense Pulse Light IPL (Lummeca-l) utilize the capabilities of both radiofrequency and intense pulsed light to unblock your Meibomian glands. This targets gland dysfunction, inflammation, and blockages to ensure a comprehensive dry eye solution.

Specialty Eye Drops
For many cases of dry eye, our team will recommend specialty eye drops to quickly clear up its irritating symptoms. We’ll determine if specialty eye drops are right for your eyes during a comprehensive eye exam.

EyePromise Vitamins & Supplements
Dry eye and can sometimes be relieved and prevented by adding EyePromise vitamins and supplements to your diet. These supplements are designed to help keep your eyes hydrated and healthy, so your vision remains as clear as possible.

Punctal Plugs
Another way we can treat dry eye is by implanting tiny devices known as punctal plugs into your tear ducts. These plugs inhibit tear drainage, which helps prevent your eyes from getting dried out.
TearCare® System
The TearCare® System uses localized heat therapy to effectively treat certain types of dry eye disease. This painless procedure uses warm, soothing energy to help correct issues in your meibomian glands.
LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation Therapy is a safe and comfortable way to treat dry eye that’s caused by clogged meibomian glands. This procedure only takes about 15 minutes and involves applying gentle heat directly to your eyelids to relieve dry eye symptoms.
Forma-I & Lumecca-I
Bipolar Radio Frequency RF (Forma-l) and Intense Pulse Light IPL (Lummeca-l) utilize the capabilities of both radiofrequency and intense pulsed light to unblock your Meibomian glands. This targets gland dysfunction, inflammation, and blockages to ensure a comprehensive dry eye solution.
Specialty Eye Drops
For many cases of dry eye, our team will recommend specialty eye drops to quickly clear up its irritating symptoms. We’ll determine if specialty eye drops are right for your eyes during a comprehensive eye exam.
EyePromise Vitamins & Supplements
Dry eye and can sometimes be relieved and prevented by adding EyePromise vitamins and supplements to your diet. These supplements are designed to help keep your eyes hydrated and healthy, so your vision remains as clear as possible.
Punctal Plugs
Another way we can treat dry eye is by implanting tiny devices known as punctal plugs into your tear ducts. These plugs inhibit tear drainage, which helps prevent your eyes from getting dried out.

Dry Eye Therapy at All of Our Locations
- La Paz Optometric Center
- Mission Viejo Optometric Center
- North Tustin Ave Optometric Center
- Brookhurst Optometric Center
La Paz
Optometric Center
Mission Viejo
Optometric Center
27682 Santa Margarita Pkwy,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(949) 997-1500
North Tustin Avenue
Optometric Center
Optometric Center
18449 Brookhurst Street #6
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 364-8861